
Ding Dong XL

Ding Dong XL is a neon-infused one button arcade game. It is an addictive 'just-one-more-round' score chaser, perfect for playing while waiting in queue for another game.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32763348/90b80fe2d922611299e620c059749ba172111d1c.gif[/img] [h1]Patch Notes:[/h1] -Added new skins to unlock -Added new background pop-up when you reach a new highscore -Modified the power up timers to no longer be on player and now appear in the background above and below the points counter -Updated to latest available translation suggestions from community form -Modified and upgraded various GFX and effects -Refined tutorial further EDIT (2019-04-30) V6s1 -Added Korean Translation -Added Japanese Translation -Added new selection indicators on game mode type -Picking up a power-up before your current power-ups duration has completed will now reset that power-ups duration correctly -Increased the visibility of the power-up duration countdown in the background Thank you to everyone for playing and sharing the game with your friends and family I appreciate your support immensely. If you are enjoying my games, make sure to leave brief Steam Reviews and let others know to check them out, this is incredibly helpful for us small developers to get discovered by more players. ALSO! Huge announcement, not only is Ding Dong XL on Steam, Android and iOS, but for the first time ever [b]Ding Dong XL is on the Nintendo Switch eShop[/b]. Please check it out :) Adam Nickerson [url=https://store.steampowered.com/dev/nickervisionstudios/]Follow Nickervision Studios on Steam[/url]