
Ding Dong XL

Ding Dong XL is a neon-infused one button arcade game. It is an addictive 'just-one-more-round' score chaser, perfect for playing while waiting in queue for another game.

Hey everyone! Since I have a new game coming out soon ([url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2055910/Poosh_XL/][b]Poosh XL - Wishlist here[/b][/url]) I wanted to pop back into some of my other games and fix bugs and make some improvements. -Updated to a newer Unity Engine version -Fixed a bunch of minor reported bugs -Adjusted some particle effects to be less performance draining -Implemented a brand new internal leaderboards menu that shows you and the 9 nearest scores without leaving the game window. I also kept a button that links to Steam overlay full leaderboards externally. -Updated the Adamvision logo splash, no more bright white screen, this is the future. -Made changes to ensure compatibility on Steam Deck, tested and confirmed working great hopefully it gets Steam Deck Verified soon :) I hope you continue to enjoy my games, and please check out Poosh XL. Thanks for the continued support. -adamvision https://store.steampowered.com/app/2055910/Poosh_XL/