v1.9.2 released

Project Zero Deaths

Project Zero Deaths is a hectic physics-based F2P online multiplayer platform shooter. Jump into frantic battles in dynamic maps, solo or with friends, to fight in varied wild game modes! Choose between different characters with unique skills and customize them and their weapons to your own playstyle!

[b]Features[/b] [list] [*] Versus mode. Play with your party friends against each other in opposing teams. [*] Controller support and reconfigureable key/mouse bindings. [*] Added and improved sounds. [*] Setting for changing the in-game UI size. [/list] [b]Balance[/b] [list] [*] Reduced shock shotgun knockback. [*] Slightly increased Doggo movement speed. [*] Increased how fast flame spitter sets heroes on fire. [*] Decreased how fast fire on the ground sets heroes on fire. [*] Decreased how many flame particles you spawn while on fire. [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] New game mode now is automatically selected after completing its tutorial. [*] Better error message if steam initialization fails. [*] Fix map loading screen not respecting the sound settings. [/list]