
Project Zero Deaths

Project Zero Deaths is a hectic physics-based F2P online multiplayer platform shooter. Jump into frantic battles in dynamic maps, solo or with friends, to fight in varied wild game modes! Choose between different characters with unique skills and customize them and their weapons to your own playstyle!

## Features & improvements + Improved matchmaking & matchmaking settings (allows you to ensure you are playing at least one human opponent; allows to match with higher level players). + Skill based ranking system & leaderboards. + Loading screen now indicates which players are bots. + Controls improved: you no longer get stuck on ledges. + Improved match finished screen shows winner team with their skins and favorite weapons. + Improved spawning tries not to spawn you near enemies. + Improved level rewards bar graphics. + Destructible environment in Temple map. + Reduced skin prices for high-end skins. + Better game error message screen. + Renamed some of starting weapons: - Thunder Handgun -> Lightning Handgun. - Void Handgun -> Vortex Handgun. - Shock Handgun -> Impact Handgun. + Reworked Ice Nade Handgun - Added two shot burst mechanic. - Moved 1 Extra Projectile from techs to base. - Damaged reduced by 40 %. - VFX Adjusted. - Projectile Speed increased 20 -> 30. - Technologies adjusted: [list] [*] Removed 1 Extra Projectile. [*] Removed Range technology. [*] Added Increase View Distance 10% technology. [/list] + Homing Rocket Handgun - Added overheat mechanic (to prevent spamming shots). - Replaced Extra Projectile technology with Reduce Heat Per Shot technology. + Capture The Flag, flag capture and flag deliver VFX adjusted. + Top Replays Popup: your replays are now highlighted. + Balanced bot difficulties. ## Balance changes - Melee damage increased from 10 to 25. ## Bugfixes - Reset Void melee cooldown when its ability ends - Fixed bug where "Spread shooter", "Ice Handgun" would get stuck in a wall after bouncing. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/35147703/3c235043ee9aacd4fd7ca91220a3411a52e3ce65.jpg[/img] Improved match finished screen Join our Discord to get real-time updates! https://discord.gg/XEVtPp4