
Project Zero Deaths

Project Zero Deaths is a hectic physics-based F2P online multiplayer platform shooter. Jump into frantic battles in dynamic maps, solo or with friends, to fight in varied wild game modes! Choose between different characters with unique skills and customize them and their weapons to your own playstyle!

- Ability to use chest keys to reduce chest free refresh time. - More skin part offers in daily shop offers. - Added environment sounds to levels. - Animation when claiming daily mission rewards. - Rookie ability now increases acceleration as well. - Increased coin rewards in Epic and Legendary chests. - Show chest probabilities in-game (shop screen). - New bombing run map: Skullball [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/35147703/86e72626e6f9327657e6857874a32d82e716ca76.png[/img]