V1.20 Changes


Try the demo! A mix between Portal, Zelda and Metroid. Explore, solve puzzles, beat up monsters, find secret upgrades and new abilities that help you reach new places. Playtime 12-25h.

General: - Upgraded the Unreal engine to the latest version 4.26. Due to that we had to rework the lighting and post processing everywhere. - Improved widescreen support: y-axis is always maintained, so a wider screen lets you see more to the side now. Previously it maintained the x-axis, which meant a wider screen gave you less field of view vertically - Fixed some slippery rocks out of bounds - Reduced enemy respawning rate in the main game and reduced mini-volcano amount (=less enemies) - Made the grave-jumping much easier to handle - Added trophies (silver or gold) to main menu for finishing and 100%ing the maingame and the DLC - Supraland now available for 'Geforce Now' cloud gaming - Improved NPC pointing animation (now also shows verticality not just horizontal direction) - Improved Italian localization - Fixed missing characters in Korean - Fixed green moon bug when closing game - Added a new easter egg (behind the giant wood bucket) - Misc. small improvements DLC: - Added Russian translation - Added Serbian translation (first draft) - Added Polish translation - Reworked some of the lift-off cutscenes to make em less boring and more fun - Added more options to trigger shady stick gag - Made last race a bit easier - Misc. small improvements