
Everafter Falls

Rediscover the simple life. Farm, fish, forge and fight to restore the peace in an all-new farming adventure. Features split-screen coop, a helpful pet, automated drones, resourceful pixies, a card-eating progression system, and dangerous dungeons to delve into!

[h3][b]FINALLY fixed critical issue causing stuck pet not to move and NPC’s getting stuck!!! (Thank you for those who sent save files in, I’m so grateful!)[/b] [/h3] [olist] [*] Fixed shrooms being able to be grown on table counters and harvestable infinitely. [*] Fixed pixie friend chooser (reward at 20) not registering complete (if you encountered this problem, you’ll probably see it one more time, accept the pixie friend screen and it should be resolved. [*] Disabled fish food spawning fish in sacred area and pixie caves to prevent bug causing freeze when fishing there [*] More robust checking for Plushie achievement. Please drop and re-pickup all your plushies to trigger the achievement if it hasn't prior to this patch. [*] More robust checking for crafted Inks achievement, you may need to recraft your inks if it didn’t trigger prior to this patch, sorry! [/olist]