V1.15 - Dynamic Duels & Enhanced Realities Update

New Combat System (only for fists and revengeance until next update) -Multiple attacks with different range, speed, damage, etc. -Block using "aim" (reduces incoming damage by 50%) -Fighting uses stamina, and on successful hits increases adrenaline Added: -mod support (Alpha) -new armor (Leg, Arm, Neck, Helmets) -snowballs & more accurate throwing -5 types of interactable presents with random things inside -lots of new graphics settings along with visual improvements in all directions. (color grading, volumetric grass, reflections) -new Throne prop -error message when trying to pick up item while inventory is full -over 20 new hats -kicking (damage and knockback scales with player speed) -interaction mode / drive-by mode when sitting. (Allows using weapons, interacting and doing other things while sitting) -new "Free Candy" van -player damage from severe car crashes Changed: -main menu & UI -Legacy map entirely -permission & name choosing screen -loading of installed maps in manager -system when someone else is trying to snatch an item from you -player may no longer interact using a broken arm -healing from invincibility or streaks will heal broken limbs and disabilities -dizzyness causes less balance loss -player keeps velocity of car / seat when standing up -vehicle physics Fixed: -vehicles sometimes not working at all -vehicle multiplayer sync -lots of other tiny bugs