- Added female variant for most GoreDolls
- Added new vehicle : Sports Car
- Added Environment settings (Atmosphere & Weather)
- Added Gamemode editor
- Added a Mission Failed screen for when you die in missions
- Added ability to zoom out / in with the scroll wheel when knocked out or in vehicles
- Added muffled sounds for weapons when they're shot from far away
- Added muffled sounds for when you're inside of a car (first person)
- Added status icons for Health, Air, and being Knocked-out
- Added social menu. That's where you can change username, copy user ID, and change multiplayer region
- Added vehicle lights for night-time maps / environments
- Changed how give up works. Now you need a weapon with at least one bullet, or a powerful melee
- Overhauled gun and punching sounds
- Improved helicopter controls
- Improved AI aiming
- Improved under-water visuals
- Improved weapon visuals (appear more metallic)
- Greatly improved GoreDoll and multiplayer performance
- Brought back day & night cycle
- Brought back aggressive voice-lines for AI
- Buffed M1911, Revolver, and Deagle
- Fixed fall damage not working
- Fixed stealing weapons from AI