v1.14 released; Even more fixes!

Viscera Cleanup Detail

In Viscera Cleanup Detail, you step into the boots of a space-station janitor tasked with cleaning up after various horrific sci-fi horror events. Instead of machineguns and plasma-rifles, your tools are a mop and bucket. That hero left a mess, and it's up to you to deal with the aftermath.

Greetings, grimy cleaners and bloody technicians! We've taken some time to fix a few more pesky little issues plaguing the game. Nothing that will especially pique your mop's interest, but important nonetheless. Main among them was a game crash when you tried to take one of those poor dead janitor bodies from Uprinsing back with you to your office as a trophy. What a ghastly thing to do, you monsters! Well, you can feel better now, knowing that the game is impartial to your unhinged nature. Also, some improvements aimed at unusual combinations of features in Workshop levels that weren't initially supported. Like the ability for Flares to ignite TNT or Candles. Workshop creators will now also be able to represent door codes using letters/words and not just numbers, similar to The Vulcan Affair doors. Additionally, for those who are negatively affected by the flickering nature of lantern and candle light in dark areas, which can get quite intense with such high contrast, we've added an option in the menu that will allow you to keep the fancy lighting and shadows, but without the flickering. Here is the full list of changes: [u][b]Changelog:[/b][/u] [b]Maps[/b] [list] [*]Fixed the PDAs in Overgrowth not keeping their text and colours when taken back to the office. [*]Changed the background color of PDAs in Overgrowth from dark-brown to light-green. [*]Fixed the janitor bodies from Uprinsing causing the game to crash when you try and take them back to the office. [*]Synced up the gate image on Unearthly Excavation keypad consoles with the movement times of the gate itself. [*]Fixed the punchout machine logo in Paintenance Tunnels being solid black. [/list] [b]Game[/b] [list] [*]Fixed lit Flares not igniting Candles, Jacko-Lanterns, Dynamite and Molotovs. [*]Added an internal limit of 3,000 on the number of player-generated bloody footsteps the game is allowed to save. This should mitigate crashing on save-file loading. [*]Fixed certain PDAs from attaching to walls with the wrong orientation. [*]Fixed unusual paper note shapes attaching to walls with the wrong offset. [*]Slightly increased the general surface offset distance for attached paper notes. [*]Improved grammer and wording for one of the news-ticker stories; "Statues to Replace The Rot?" [/list] [b]UI[/b] [list] [*]Added a "No Flickering" option to the Light Complexity setting, allowing you to keep full detail shadowing without the flickering. [*]Added font support for some additional and unused character sets, ie: Turkish/etc. This is not any form of official language support, but does give you some tools for adding it yourself. [*]Added letters below keypad number button icons, allowing workshop level designers to represent numeric codes with strings, similar to the codes in Vulcan Affair. [/list] [b]House of Horror[/b] [list] [*]Fixed lit Candles not igniting Flares, Dynamite and Molotovs. [/list] [b]Santa's Rampage[/b] [list] [*]Added a slightly new and better looking level preview image. [/list] [b]Workshop[/b] [list] [*]Added Kismet Actions that allow you to change and check the currently applied character skins of players. [/list] And there you have it! We're hard at work at the moment on...well, many other things both in terms of game projects, as well as general life stuff. So you may not see any updates for a while. As always, we'll keep you posted if anything interesting is ready for revealing, etc. Keep those stations clean, everyone! [b]*EDIT*:[/b] Re-uploaded a missing package. Flicker option wasn't right for HoH candles.