- v1.12 - 12/11/2023 21:02

Dinky Guardians

⬆️ Clone your first 🐷Dinky, give them 👉orders to help you, Research 🦾Automation Machines, Defend your Colony from the 👿Zumbys, Build a 🚀Rocket, colonize other 🌍Planets and set up supply chains between them! Play Solo👤 or Co-op👥

* Completely reworked select Crafting Recipe UI * VirtualCursor now has a consistent size regardless of resolution * Clicking on Dinky in Top Bar now moves camera to a Idle Dinky * RocketUI warning message now says which resources are missing * Added Dinky Died Side Message * Added interactable world message where Dinky died and what it was doing * Added Tooltip to InterplanetaryTravelUI explaining Natural and Fracking Spawn Amounts * Added Side Message Off World when machine out of Power * Added Side Message Off World when Dinkys starving * Added indicator to InterplanetaryTravelUI when planet is under attack * Added message explaining when Mining Machine stops working * Added timer visual on Resource Launcher * Added ability to move House * Added ability to move Research Lab * Added ability to move Rocket * Added Cheats toggle to Options menu * Added Back button on Character Creator to exit without saving * Fixed Bonus Drops visual not disappearing * Fixed Chase Mines bonus spawning on Spaceship level * Fixed Waste icon being too dark and almost invisible on top bar * Fixed multiple bugs related to dropping objects when traveling between worlds * Fixed units dropping objects on Save * Fixed rare Crate duplicate bug that happened if somehow Physics pushed the object during loading * Fixed HQ not saving Health * Fixed Side Message not showing up for Out of power when arriving at planet * Fixed Side Message not showing up for Dinkys starving when arriving at planet * Fixed Dinky stuck Gathering Resource Node if Player destroyed it * Fixed Auto Bot name string saying Capsule * Fixed action text when repairing HQ