v1.07 - 07/10/2023 18:23

Dinky Guardians

⬆️ Clone your first 🐷Dinky, give them 👉orders to help you, Research 🦾Automation Machines, Defend your Colony from the 👿Zumbys, Build a 🚀Rocket, colonize other 🌍Planets and set up supply chains between them! Play Solo👤 or Co-op👥

* Added Defense Successful UI * Added Research Complete UI * Added Copy to Clipboard button on Error Detector * Added logic on Error Detector to not show the same error multiple times * Added Side Message Off World on Zumby spawning soon * Insufficient resources message now says which resources are missing * Fixed AutoBotOffWorld spending power non-stop while researching * Fixed ResourceLauncher not being able to change type inside * Fixed Overwrite Save File Question Dialog being under game menu * Fixed Tooltip Warning not following gamepad cursor * Fixed Tooltips on Tech Tree UI, added icons