v1.0.5 Update

Simple VR Video Player

Watch your videos in virtual reality with Simple VR Video Player, an easy to use video player with full motion control support and an intuitive interface. Simple VR Video Player can play your saved video files with 2D/180°/360° and 3D/SBS/OU support.

This update includes a few minor features and updates including an option for hiding the rendered output in the display window, inverting scroll direction, sorting files by date, and correcting brightness levels across the different rendering engines. [h1]What's New v1.0.5[/h1] [list] [*]Corrected brightness levels across all rendering engines. If you've adjusted your gamma due to over brightness, you should readjust it back to 1.0 again. [*]New option to disable mirror display out under Options. This will disable rendering to the app window outside of the VR headset. [*]Invert scroll wheel under Super Advanced Settings. [*]Added sort by Filename or Date Modified button under the files list. [*]Reset 2D Screen is now in Options menu. [*]Fixed bug where menu would disappear if clicked too quickly. [*]Using trackpad buttons while controllers are hidden will no longer automatically unhide the controllers. [/list]