v1.0.8 Update

Simple VR Video Player

Watch your videos in virtual reality with Simple VR Video Player, an easy to use video player with full motion control support and an intuitive interface. Simple VR Video Player can play your saved video files with 2D/180°/360° and 3D/SBS/OU support.

A small update with bug fixes and a few key features such as image viewing capability, gamepad support, increasing max screen curve, and a slow motion button. [h1]What's New v1.0.8[/h1] [list] [*]Image viewing support (jpg and png) [*]Gamepad support [*]Slow motion button in 180/360 screen menu (.75x, .5x, .25x, .1x speeds) [*]Increased maximum screen curve value from 100 to 120 [*]Highlight currently viewing file in file list [*]Fixed SteamVR Environment texture bugs which could cause issues when loading [*]Tweaked distance control for mouse/gamepad users to be able to use adjust distance with head pointer [*]Fixed screen resizing bug on curved screens which cause a slight offset in screen size [*]Fixed audio bug which would reset volume when a new file was loaded [/list] [h1]Gamepad Controls[/h1] [b]A[/b] - Select [b]B[/b] - Hide menus [b]X[/b] - Play/Pause [b]Right Bumper[/b] - Skip forward [b]Left Bumper[/b] - Skip backward [b]Start[/b] - Open menu [b]Right Stick Button[/b] - Recenter screen [b]Left Stick[/b] - Move pointer [b]Right Stick[/b] - Scroll up/down or Tilt/Distance in 180 screen mode