Introducing Mouse Control in v1.0.4

Simple VR Video Player

Watch your videos in virtual reality with Simple VR Video Player, an easy to use video player with full motion control support and an intuitive interface. Simple VR Video Player can play your saved video files with 2D/180°/360° and 3D/SBS/OU support.

Going from a motion controller with six degrees of motion to a mouse with two degrees (X/Y) in VR is quite a challenge. Is it even possible? Lets find out. [h1]What's New v1.0.4[/h1] [list][*]Mouse controls. Click inside the window to enable it. Hit escape or your motion control trigger to disable. [*]Fixed bug with uppercase file extensions not being recognized [*]Added 2D reset screen button (hidden right now in Super Advanced Settings) [*]Space bar to pause, left/right to skip forward/backward keyboard shortcuts [*]You can now start a video at launch by dragging a video into the .exe or using Open With and finding the .exe in Windows File Explorer [*]Tweaked the z offset to be a littler lower when you use the distance control closer to your hmd [/list]