v1.0.2 Patch Notes

Idol Manager

Idol Manager is a business sim about conquering the entertainment industry using any means you deem necessary.

[h2]Gameplay[/h2] [list] [*] Increased speed at which staffers gain experience [*] Idols that you hire as staffers will have better skills [*] "Release Single" button will be orange while there's a penalty for releasing singles too often [*] You don't need to start the game with tutorial enabled to get the "Where do I know that name from?" achievement anymore [*] Performance improvements in "new day" calculations for players with lots of idols [*] "Influence" skill of player's staff character: [list] [*] Socializing cooldown reduced by (player's influence skill / 2) days [*] Bonus to the amount of influence points you get over your idols [*] Bonus to flirting success chances [/list] [/list] [h2]Bugs[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed: One of the CGs not unlocking (If you needed it for an achievement, you should get it after opening the CG gallery) [*] Fixed: "We only hire the best" achievement unlocked when you hired a "professional" staffer instead of an "expert" [*] Fixed: A dating event in Shibuya could freeze if the idol's "cute", "cool", "sexy" and "pretty" skills are maxed out [*] Fixed: New rival groups being generated with empty names after playing for a long time [*] Fixed: Story rival groups releasing singles in post-game [*] Fixed: It was possible to avoid socialization cooldown by using the idol context menu [*] Fixed: Jankiness when spamming mouse clicks during a concert [*] Fixed: Idol getting bullied again right after you stopped bullying [/list] [h2]Mods[/h2] [list] [*] You can now replace gameplay music with other tracks from the game or your own .wav files, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2568450701]check the example mod for instructions[/url] [*] Unique idols: New parameter "can_be_hired_again" in params.json; Set it to true if you want this idol to appear in auditions again after her graduation [*] Fixed: Auditions freezing if default idols are disabled and you run out of unique idols to hire [/list]