Super Space Club is a lo-fi arcade space shooter to chill to. Defend a vibrant galaxy as a club of misfit heroes and battle endless waves of spacecrafts to the tune of atmospheric beats. Outlast your enemies and vibe to the rhythm of the stars.
Just some small (and not so small) things this week! Shout out to the community (🛰️) for highlighting some important issues!
[h3]General Updates[/h3]
[*] Asteroids no longer spawn a small random amount of stardust.
[h3]Weapon Updates[/h3]
[*] Decreased the seeker bullet’s lifetime.
[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
[*] Seeker now works properly during Roscoe’s Focus ability
[*] Save data fix (affects pre-1.0.2 players only) 🛰️
[*] Fixed biggie and bomber achievements 🛰️
[*] Fixed some objectives that were being incorrectly triggered 🛰️
[*] Fixed some text inaccuracies in the objectives and achievements