v1.0.1 Beta

Dungeons of Voidria

Gather loot, unearth secrets and defeat enemies as you explore the shifting Dungeons of Voidria and retrieve fragments to restore the shattered Heart of the void.

[b]Balancing[/b] [list] [*] Each class have been rebalanced slightly. This aims to make other classes' early game less punishing [*] The Neutron: HP increased from 65 to 70; SV lowered from 7-10 to 7-9 [*] The Caster: Mana gain on battle start lowered from 4 to 3 [spoiler][*] The Brawler: SV increased from 7-7 to 7-8; HP lowered from 70 to 60; heal on battle end increased from 1 to 2 [*] The Shopkeeper: SV increased from 7-8 to 8-8; bonus starting gold removed; more gold spawns per floor when playing as The Shopkeeper [*] The Voidling: HP lowered from 60 to 55; SV changed from 8-8 to 7-9 [*] The Indigo: SV increased from 7-8 to 8-8 [*] The Horned: SV changed from 8-8 to 7-9[/spoiler] [*] Package skills have a small chance to never appear in a run if there were package skills last run [*] Health cores can no longer spawn on floors 4 and 7 [*] Keeper enemies have lower starting Max Stun [*] Slates that require a key to craft will no longer need a Catalyst as well [*] Game now keeps track of number of times you've increased your SV. If you've increased your SV more than a certain number of times before certain floors, locked Void Potions will be replaced with a different potion. This threshold shouldn't be reached too easily, and is only intended to limit runs where the player managed to increase their SV more than average, and to smooth out the power curve [*] Snipe base damage decreased, matching status bonus damage up increased [*] Unload is now once per turn, damage increased slightly [*] Replicate now increases copied status' duration by 1 if applicable [*] Overflowing Goblet mana trigger threshold increased from 10 to 12 [*] Minor enemy behaviour changes [*] The Debilitator's skills buffed [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Status icons will now display relevant status details on hover [*] Mimicked Withdraw Fortified % in description is now correct [*] Frustration is now correctly once per battle [*] Potion Brewer description is now correct [*] Fixed bug with hovering over spell button and damage forecast becomes incorrect [*] Hopefully fixed bug with key value text's position being shifted slightly too high if player gains and loses a key rapidly [/list]