V1.0.1.3 更新公告20240401

Girls of The Tower

This is a Rogue-like game with a combination of JRPG, auto chess, and galgame elements. Players can choose from two different female protagonists to embark on a unique adventure. Additionally, players can recruit followers, strategize their formations, and develop their town!

[h2]系统优化与修复:[/h2] [list] [*] 部分界面ui调整 [*] 新增战斗时日志面板开启状态的保存功能 [*] 装备转职道具的随从不受圣物加成影响的问题修复 [*] 教学模式中在宝石镶嵌界面可以拖动棋子的问题修复 [*] 羁绊最高等级胜利的成就完成条件的问题修复 [*] 临时回城镇时事件刷新的问题修复 [*] 高级羁绊转职道具卸载后羁绊图标残留的问题修复 [*] 天使之息在生命源泉数量为1时效果不生效的问题修复 [*] 部分情况下羁绊总数统计的问题修复 [*] 部分情况下冒险团和玩家羁绊升级的问题修复 [/list]