v1.0.0.4 Patch

The Gardener and the Wild Vines

Leap, slash, and climb your way to the top of magical towers in this wholesome platformer about a gay Gardener on a quest to rescue his love.

Hello everyone, Here is another small update fixing some quality of life issues and more bugs we've seen. Have you ever been walking on a bridge only to accidentally turn around and walk ALL THE WAY BACK to the other side and get really mad at someone because you felt like it wasn't your fault? And then you see a construction worker who tells you that they added new safety rails to prevent this from happening and so you go BACK across successfully, make it home, have dinner, get in bed, accidentally press up and get teleported back to the bridge because one of the constructions workers installed the safety rail incorrectly? Us too. That's why THIS update fixes THAT problem, or at least that's what this construction working is saying. [list] [*] Bridges that could have sometimes been activated from very far away have been fixed. [*] Fixed those OP crabs from moving while the game is paused. [*] Fixed the bad leaf in Storm 4 whose collider was not turning on properly. Bad leaf. [*] Improved the camera follow offset that was constantly dipping below bridges. [*] Increased heart triggers slightly. [*] Added in an unknown (?) button icon for when the control tries to display something that it doesn't have, instead of just not showing anything. [*] Fixed The Magaician's ring attack collider and animation. [*] Prevented The Magician from attacking you from within a tower when you couldn't see him because that was a little TOO tricky, even for him. [*] Various other small changes and improvements. [/list] Happy Gaming! - Finite Reflection Studios