v0.5.2.4 upgraded to default version.

Broken Dungeon

A procedurally generated, VR roguelike dungeon crawler, with magic and melee combat, and supporting single player or asymmetrical multiplayer experiences.

Greetings, adventurers. With no reports of major bugs, Broken Dungeon v0.5.2.4 has been upgraded out of beta into the new default version of the game. As a reminder, here is the change log for the version: ======================================================= Change log: (v0.5.2.4) Additions: - Armor clad monsters beware! The Spear's utility function "Pierce" is now available. While charged, "Pierce" will auto-trigger when the adventurer strikes a monster or breakable object with a straight-forward thrust. (Slashing will not trigger "Pierce") - Due to some adventurers dropping spells right at their own feet, tip card 17 has been added to the title scene to explain about throwable spells and weapon utilities. - The adventurer's guild has updated their Tips & Tricks guide book. Tip card 14 now displays a video demonstrating some of the weapon utility functions in action. Changes: - (Bug Fix) Modified monster attack logic to ensure their attack delay gets reset when they are stunned. - (Bug Fix) Modified weapon swapping logic to stop player from being able to swap their weapon if it is in the middle of a thrown utility effect. Player must wait for the weapon to return before it can be swapped for a new weapon. - (Bug Fix) Modified hand-held map logic to stop player from being able to pull out their map if their weapon is in a thrown utility effect. Player must wait for the weapon to return before it can be swapped for the map. - (QoL Fix) Tip card 14's text has been updated to better explain weapon utilities. - (QoL Fix) Tip card 14's disclaimer has been updated from "Not Implemented Yet" to "Work In Progress" to reflect the partial development of the weapon utilities. - (QoL Fix) Tip card 15's disclaimer has been updated to more properly inform players that only the "Shock" debuff has not been implemented yet. - (QoL Fix) Game Options now has an option to allow Index Knuckle users to choose if they want squeezing the grip or touching the thumbpad to be the input for magic/weapon swapping, door opening, and general object interactions. - (QoL Fix) When human input via the mouse is detected to disable the AI Dungeon Master, the VR View window will now shrink to the bottom right of the screen (if it was full screen). Then, if the AI Dungeon Master is re-enabled, the VR View window will resume being full screen if the option "VR View Fullscreen" is enabled in the title scene options. - (Visual Fix) Firestorm spell now fades out of existence instead of simply popping out of existence. - (Bug Fix) Weapons now properly refresh their attack cool down upon recovering thrown weapons and weapon swapping. - (Bug Fix) Alter warping logic has been corrected to ensure VR player properly warps to the alters sequentially and avoid warping back to the same alter. - (Visual Fix) Fire Bolt spell's projectile now illuminates the dungeon slightly more brightly to better match its particle effect more closely. Other: - N/A