

ARC TCG is a 3D fantasy card game. Build your deck and challenge other players in battles full of surprises. Play smart and crush your opponents with powerful abilities. This game is inspired by more successful TCG titles, but adapted to offer new game strategies.

Hi everyone, in this update we continued to balance some cards and did some changes/fixes [h3]Changes:[/h3] [list] [*] [b]IMPORTANT[/b]: All those effects/abilities/conditions that include one or more allied/opponent creatures on the battlefield, ALWAYS refer to ALIVE creatures (with health greater than 0) (unless explicitly mentioned otherwise) Some heroes have conditions where it is necessary to have a minimum/maximum number of creatures on the battlefield, now this logic of alive/dead creatures correctly applies to these heroes as well [*] The "Trap All" ability no longer stack with other "Trap All" abilities. When there are multiple allied creatures with the "Trap All" ability on the battlefield, the one with the highest value is considered. Also now the "All" clause is correctly propagated to other allied creatures [/list] [h3]Balance:[/h3] [b]Arx, Divine Dragon:[/b] Discard your hand. For each card discarded in this way deal 1/1/2/2/2 damage to all opposing creatures on the battlefield. Draw up to 1/2/2/3/3 random Ancients with different names from your deck [b]The Beginning of the End:[/b] Add 3 Worlds Destroyer to your deck, then shuffle it. At the end of your turn, if you have at least 1 allied Worlds Destroyer on the battlefield, deal X damage to all creatures on the battlefield and to the opposing hero, where X is twice the number of creatures on the battlefield. When an allied Worlds Destroyer leaves the battlefield, deal to your hero Y damage, where Y is the number of cards in your graveyard (This Spell does not stack with other The Beginning of the End) [b]Worlds Destruction:[/b] Remove from the game all cards in your graveyard. Summon 1 Worlds Destroyer from your deck on the battlefield, then remove from the game all the Worlds Destroyer in your deck and in your hand (You can only play this Spell if you have at least 1 Worlds Destroyer present in your deck and enough space on your battlefield) [b]Worlds Destroyer:[/b] 0/40 Vanish, Immunity, Immovable, Guard, Taunt 10, Fiery 10 [b]Ecosystem Balance:[/b] If it is your turn 10 or later restore 3 mana points. Until the end of the match, if you have played at least 2 Ancients, 2 Insects and 2 Beasts from your hand in this match, each time you summon an allied creature to the battlefield you restore 1 mana point and draw 1 card from your deck (This Spell can stack with other Ecosystem Balance) [h3]Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed missing deck banned cards visual effect [*] Fixed missing some visual effect in some hero attack scenarios [*] Fixed various translations [/list]