v - Quick respawn feature


A dark adventure full of tense moments that will test your skills. Your main goal is to climb to the top while avoiding difficult obstacles and disturbing creatures. NoRoY is very agile, but a single mistake can cause you to lose all your progress. Inspired by games like: Celeste + Getting Over it

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41321251/c5680c8993442210d0e3f4f95172a058b9de3c9d.png[/img] Hello guys, I've been working on a new update for NoRoY that includes more levels and challenges. However, I've decided to divide the update into two parts and release one part early. This decision was made because some of you requested the quick respawn feature, and the checkpoint system is still a bit confusing for some players. I hope these changes make it a lot easier to understand. Please let me know if you find any issues in this new build [b]This update includes:[/b] [list] [*] Added the quick respawn feature. [*] Checkpoints from bonfires are now automatically placed. [*] Impossible mode now features a different layout with additional obstacles, offering a distinct and more challenging experience. [*] Implemented graphical improvements and added more effects. [*] Updated background colors. [*] Balanced difficulty levels. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41321251/347d37ae9899bb7d3dae491fb018d90c88274425.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41321251/558a040c7ae5a3afd1ec5acb5ee70ce77a49cf48.gif[/img]