V 1.1.007f


Village elder, help us! The Apocalypse is approaching, and we need your guidance to survive. Assign your workers and build a thriving village against the pending doom. DotAGE is the merciless survival roguelite turn-based city builder. Will you fulfill the Prophecy?

[b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed some advanced techs not working properly (i.e. vegetable to infusion, and fruit to beer) [*] Fixed losing a village when a Wild Pip is in the forest not making the game end, with the Elder hoping secretely that the Wild Pip would rebuild everything [*] Fixed Pips that had disappeared in water reappearing on load while they should just remaing underwater for a while [*] Fixed Children being able to inhabit dwelling of the wrong class, allowing a commoner Pip to be adopted by Bourgeois parents (oh my!!!) [*] Fixed bug with food toggle desynchronizing on load if cutscenes are enabled [*] Fixed Christmas events not triggering if all your Pips are incapacitated [*] Fixed some advanced techs not working properly (i.e. vegetable to infusion, and fruit to beer) [*] Fixed some Children being counted inside multiple dwellings [*] Fixed some resource animations not playing anymore [*] Added missing localization for upgrade tooltips [*] Fixed path check on older savegames [*] Fixed a few typos [*] Minor graphical fixes [/list]