v 1.0.3 (#345)

Tea For God

God Emperor is held in a place beyond our world. Explore a huge strange complex while fighting hordes of robots. All while you keep walking around your room, bringing the immersion to another level. Customise your experience into an intense shooter, a roguelite explorer, a relaxing trek.

[list] [*]added preparing play-area when playing on Quest on PC [*]this workaround works currently only for SteamVR and OculusAPI [*]fixed "mean machine" modifier [*]fixed some game scripts running when exiting game and starting new (or loading game state) [*]fixed bringing permanent EXMs through "another chance" chapter [*]fixed metal pilgrims in burial scene to move based on location, not time [*]fixed flashing door to repair hangar in "prelude" [*]fixed horizontal scaling preview [*]ammo/health for hit is given only if not given for kill [*]improvements for melee [*]easier to hit, particle effects on getting ammo/health on every hit added [*]small robots can be used to gain energy/health via melee [*]added weapon sights customisation options (color + outer ring radius) [*]added "please wait" info when region is being generated [*]melee kills provide loot [/list]