Hey everyone! Thanks again for all the amazing feedback you gave us while trying out Bullet Runner: The First Slaughter. We've tried to incorporate you're complaints, ideas and feedback into improving the game as a whole. Here are the most important new things in this latest update:
[*]Volumetric fog
[*]Super resolution
[*]Brightness slider
[*]Gameplay tips & tricks
[*]Added power buff drinks, which can be picked up to get a short power-boost in a certain stat (speed/damage/finisher cooldown)
[*]Machine gun now deals less damage, but has higher accuracy
[*]Rocket launcher now deals less damage, but dazes enemies on direct hit, and staggers enemies on AOE hit
[*]Plasma rifle now deals less damage, but slows enemies down way faster
[*]Removed checkpoint portal visual
[*]Changed saving system to an async solution (mitigates the massive lag spike we had on saving prior)
[*]Smoothed out the difficulty curve throughout the levels
[*]Made easy and normal difficulty modes a bit more accessible / easy
[*]Enemies can now be knocked into pits
[*]Redesigned a lot of arena environments to be more spacious and more fun with more movement options
[*]When you die right after performing a kick, you'll get healed up instantly and can now continue the fight
[*]Reduced health of Heavies
[*]Increased speed of Heavies
[*]Removed ability for player to chain pull heavy class enemies
[*]Changed the way chain swinging works with mouse input according to user feedback
[*]You can now break enemy shields by shooting at them (besides chain-pulling)
[*]Removed some arenas to reduce action overload in levels
[*]Added new rooms and spaces to existing levels
[*]Added more 'ambient' enemies to existing levels (that aren't part of an arena, but just walk around)
[*]Added new artwork and lighting changes to existing levels
[b]Bug fixes[/b]
[*]Forgot to keep track after so many .. figure out for yourself will ya!
As always, thanks for playing, and keep the feedback coming!
Take care everyone,
Laura - Lead Designer