Hey everyone! We want to thank you all for playing The First Slaughter, and for the massive amount of downloads we've reached so far. You're all awesome!
We've just released a small update for the game that fixes numerous issues regarding enemy behaviours and movement, as well as improve their intelligence and behaviour on those fronts. On top of that, we've included the first iteration of the score system into the game. You'll now be able to settle a score for every level in the game, and break your own high-scores!
Check out the new score system in action! (in the bottom right of the screen)
[b]Change log[/b]
- Fixed Heavies jumping out of the play space
- Fixed Mechanics getting stuck in corners
- Fixed a bug where pressing the back button while in the pause menu would change the games difficulty
- Fixed a bug where killing enemies before the arena they were in got triggered would soft-lock the game
- Improved fleeing behaviour for the Scientist and Mechanic
- Implemented the first iteration of the score system