Update v1.0.7887 is out!


Gunscape provides easy-to-use tools based on a block-placement interface everybody's already familiar with to create all types of maps. Don't like building stuff? Then just blast your way through hordes of monsters or duel with other players!

So we have had a few major updates come out recently, and wanted to catch up on release notes for everyone to see. Firstly, we have todays client update which contains a number of fixes and improvements across the board: [h1][b]Update v1.0.7887[/b][/h1] [h1]Features[/h1] [list] [*] Note: New blocks will be locked for a short time before they are fully available. [*] New Block - Timed Trigger - able to trigger channels periodically on a timer [*] New Block - Proximity Trigger - able to trigger a channel just by having a player walk into the area without anything visible [*] New Weapon - D357-RUC-701D - A special rocket launcher for the [url=http://www.destructoid.com/giveaway-gunscape-w-elite-xbox-one--346050.phtml]Desctructoid giveaway[/url] (win an Xbox One console + copy of Gunscape!) [*] Added game info to the Loading Screen [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed Enemy AI being less responsive than they should be [*] Fixed some typos with music names [*] Fixed player shadows not updating correctly [*] Fixing blocks not saving properly in the Editor when going in/out of test mode [*] Fixed Move block not always crushing a player to death [/list] [h1]Improvements[/h1] [list] [*] Added checks to instantly trigger a block if it was activated while a player is standing on it (e.g. standing on a disabled trap door, then it gets activated. Before it would not trigger until the player moved off and then back on to the trap door, now it will trigger immediately) [*] Lobby player list should no longer overlap players randomly [*] Reduced Harpoon damage from 80 down to 75, and increased stun duration from 1 to 1.8 seconds [*] Reduced E-Bow min charge time from 0.5 down to 0.3s, and max charge time from 3f down to 1f [*] Increasing damage from Front-on Knife attack from 5 to 15 (backstab is still instant-kill) [*] Nerfing J.E.F.F. to not be so over-powered [/list] And also patch notes from the previous update from Early Access -> Full Launch: [h1][b]Update v1.0.7831 - Launch Update[/b][/h1] [h1]Features[/h1] [list] [*] [b]Added support for [url=http://steamcommunity.com/stats/342480/achievements]Steam Achievements![/url][/b] [*] Added more death effects for players and AI enemies [*] Added better support for Flagging maps as inappropriate (will now hide them, and flag them on the server for review) [*] Added a new Victory Screen at the end of each round to show the winner [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixing monster triggers UI in Build mode [*] Fixing Item and Enemy spawn default values when hosting a game [*] Fixed created date not updating correctly in Craft menus [*] Fixed some issues with Hackopter enemy [*] Fixed missing main menu music [*] Fixed being able to set current room max player count lower than the current players [*] Fixed some cases where games could not be started when the host left [*] Fixed some issues with Sentry Turret while the player dies [*] Fixed bug with AI enemies still attacking you when they are dead in certain cases [*] Fixed a bunch of UI that was overlapping / displaying incorrectly [*] Fixed 8-player split-screen anchoring slightly off alignment [*] Fixed player name plates getting mixed up sometimes when players join / leave quickly [*] Fixed reticule sometimes updating incorrectly when playing split-screen [*] Fixed lobby leaderboard not updating sometimes when players leave the game [*] Fixed Gauss gun not showing first shot properly [*] Fixed split-screen avatar selection extending off-screen in some cases [/list] [h1]Improvements[/h1] [list] [*] Not showing game timer if time is Unlimited [*] Clarifying "No servers" message when no active games are being played [*] Hiding spinners when server browser list has loaded [*] Checkpoints will now save keys state [*] Improved Chat display to highlight player names much more clearly and show team colours [*] Added filter for co-operative games in server browser [*] Improved support for loading more maps while offline [*] Miscellaneous performance improvements [/list]