Maps of the Week


Gunscape provides easy-to-use tools based on a block-placement interface everybody's already familiar with to create all types of maps. Don't like building stuff? Then just blast your way through hordes of monsters or duel with other players!

Hello, everyone! We know that our community is really good at making maps. We’ve seen and tried them and we’ve had a lot of fun, so we decided that we don’t want you guys to miss these maps; this is how Maps of the Week started. For the past few months we have been making lists of maps in our [url=]Gunscape blog[/url]. Every week we feature some of the new maps that have been created during that week and that we think that are amazing. With the launch, we think it’s time to bring that to Steam and make sure that everyone knows that we’re doing this! We want to feature your maps! So if you want your map to appear in our lists, you just need to follow these simple rules: [list] [*]You need to create your map between the Friday and Thursday (Sydney AEDT Time) before the Map of the Week post comes out (example: if the next list comes out March 4, we would consider all the maps created between February 26 and March 3). And if for any reason we skip a week, we will still consider the maps created during the week that was skipped! [*]Your map needs to include screenshots (if you don’t know how to do this, we made a [url=]tutorial![/url]). [*]Your map needs to have a name (Level Name and Level Description don't count). [*]You can make your map on Friday and keep editing it during the week, but we’re going to judge it on the day before the post comes up (Thursday) so it has to be ready by then. [/list] And if you want to check our previous winners out, just head to our [url=]blog[/url] or find the list week by week on our Twitter and Facebook page. We’re excited to see all of the new maps that will be created after the Gunscape launch!