Update v0.2.3.0


ExoCross is an offroad racing game introducing 4CPT vehicle physics (4-way contact patch traction technology). A soft-body tire model allows for competitive time attack and multiplayer wheel to wheel racing.

[h2]Changelog for DRAG up to version[/h2] [h3]Reworked wheel steering[/h3] You can now use the full range of your wheel. The updated wheel steering also no longer uses speed adapt, which should make it much more predictable. [h3]Added steering linearity setting[/h3] Although the default setting should be fine for most cases, you can now adjust the steering linearity to your personal preferences. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31529403/f766e5a712009f8ec69ab4158a61b24faec76dcd.jpg[/img] [h3]Added centered / combined pedal support[/h3] If the pedals are combined, they are treated as one axis (y-axis). Use this setting and check with the visualization bars if throttle and brake are assigned accordingly. [h3]Added support for dynamic physics objects[/h3] You can try it out with the containers in Special Event 9. We will of course use this technology on a lot more objects in the future. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31529403/eaacce944f983e7a3e312832df54ea612d8702ab.jpg[/img] [h3]Added 11 new flags[/h3] As requested, we've added a few additional non-country flags. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31529403/636f55a9b6ec14d95b8246bb5f131f7f1290760f.jpg[/img] [h3]Adjusted small trees in the first turn of Zone-A[/h3] The small trees are moved a bit to the outside and the last tree with collision is now covered by concrete barriers. This change improves the situation in online races. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31529403/320651f0a333cb1b1ecacdcc50b660d24c60f16c.jpg[/img] [h2]Tips & tricks:[/h2] If you have two input devices for example wheels, pedals or handbrake as separate USB device, make sure there is no overlap across devices in the mapping menu. Set functions to either device A or B. If in doubt, all functions should be unassigned except those used by the device in question. [h2]Bugfixes & other changes:[/h2] [list] [*] updated polish translation [*] fixed SE9 container collision framedrops [*] fixed online chat crash [*] fixed shortcut in challenge A-4 [*] fixed metal plate collision in Zone-C [*] lowered default rumble intensity [/list]