Update v.

[b]Northfolk![/b] [b]Team Orders and Interactions[/b] We decided to refactor some of the base systems related to unit/ship management and orders. New queue system was implemented to allow for a more strategic approach and less micromanagement as every team action can be queued (movement, target enemies, scouting and abilities). [b]Community Reports and Requests[/b] We fixed multiple community requests for both single and multiplayer games. We appreciate your feedback and we take every comment into consideration. Still some issues are hard to find, which is why we need as much information as possible. [b]What is to come[/b] [list] [*]We plan to take a closer look at enemy player AI to make it more challenging and diverse. [*]We plan to add new maps and improve procedural maps generation to create more complex maps. [*]Some systems require reworking, and campaigns require balancing/difficulty setting. [*]New Maps and New Clan! [/list] 1.4.4 Changelog New Features: [F] Rework of teams interaction with Interactables on map [F] Added player avatars to loading screens [F] Water system improvements and buoyancy system [F] Rework of team command system and order Queue [F] Added display for resources with Utility View [ALT] [F] Added Master Volume to Settings [F] Added Team Limit Settings to custom games Quality Of Life Improvements: [QOL] Added Group Display to team banners [QOL] RMB on Ship to disembark units on shore [QOL] Continuous Building placement is enabled by default [QOL] Added unit recruitment time display Bug Fixes: [Bug] Fix for Achievement “So The Story Begins” unlocking [Bug] Fix for Watchtowers not working properly in multiplayer games [Bug] Fix for Tech Tree UI mechanics not working properly [Bug] Fix for team attack orders not displayed properly in MP [Bug] Fix muskox quest and area in 2nd campaign [Bug] Fixes for Unit Action Paths Display in MP [Bug] Change FPS Limit Slider Settings [Bug] Fixes for Procedural Map Generation [Bug] Improvements for Ships Movement and Naval Battle [Bug] Fix for player selection system [Bug] Fixes for multiple ingame UI panels [Bug] Fixes for Buildings widget interactions [Bug] Add minimap icons for resources on water [Bug] Fixes for Windmill Area placement and selection and performance fixes [Bug] Fix for naval boarding combat and movement [Bug] Improved performance when managing multiple teams [Bug] Fixes for Fisherman Village boat spawning [Bug] Improvements for sounds in cinematics [Bug] Fix for music interruption in main menu [Bug] Fix for season not working properly in Land Of the Dead [Bug] Fix for Campaign Missions displaying wrong save name [Bug] Improvements for team and ship banners [Bug] Fix player destroyed widget SFX playing when mute [Bug] Fix for Auto Banner Placement not working properly in some cases [Bug] Improvements WoodCutterHouse gathering system [Bug] Fix for units get stuck sometimes after combat [Bug] Fix Selection Display In Campaign Menu [Bug] Fix for info displayed in Loading Screens [Bug] Improvements for naval units formations [Bug] Fix for gates placement on in MP [Bug] Fixes for unit orders and management [Bug] Multiple Campaign fixes and adjustments [Bug] Added some missing translations [Bug] Fixed siege weapon close combat distance Balance improvements: [BLC] Outpost can recruit war units [BLC] Reduce cost of warships in shipyard [BLC] Lookout Tower and traps now deteriorate over time [BLC] Reduce Catapult health 1000 -> 750 [BLC] Reduce Ballista health 1000 -> 750 [b]You made Odin proud![/b]