Hotfix v

[h2]Changelog:[/h2] [h3]Quality Of Life[/h3] [list] [*] [QOL] Added display for player clan in team panel [/list] [h3]Bugfixes[/h3] [list] [*] [Bug] [b]Fix for palisades not being placeable on some maps.[/b] [*] [Bug] [b]Fix for weather and fog not working in some cases on procedural maps in MP[/b] [*] [Bug] Fix for Teams changing stance when attacked by hidden team [*] [Bug] Fix training field recruits not refresh properly [*] [Bug] Fix for buildings not being placeable in some cases [*] [Bug] Fix for weather event display [*] [Bug] Fix for trees not regrowing properly on clients in MP [*] [Bug] Disable Sigrid Herd Instinct skill being herd on clients in MP [*] [Bug] Fixes for Deer obelisk influence area display [*] [Bug] Fixes for production buildings production estimates [*] [Bug] Improve enemy building visibility on minimap [*] [Bug] Fixes for Bragi’s blessing [*] [Bug] Fix for warehouse keepers getting stuck in some cases [*] [Bug] Fix for building panel hiding after team death [*] [Bug] Update naval unit color display when owner changes [*] [Bug] AI can recruit elite units after unlock [*] [Bug] Fix AI behavior when boat leaves the shore [*] [Bug] Improve enemy AI Hero skill usage during combat [*] [Bug] Fix Elite Shield Bearers ship animation [*] [Bug] Fix for Town Hall visuals during Halloween event [/list] [h3]Balance[/h3][list] [*] [BLC] Improved AI building and resource management [*] [BLC] AI preference to Attack Player increased from 50% to 70% [*] [BLC] AI now properly upgrade Outposts [*] [BLC] Team animals now consume food [*] [BLC] Add limit to enemy AI Militia spawn [*] [BLC] Increase Orchard production by 300% [*] [BLC] Changed technology times: Gatherers 5s - 60s Trained Militia 5s - 60s Feast with the gods 15s - 60s Skilled Tanners 15s - 50s [*] [BLC] Reduce Windmill production by 25% [*] [BLC] Reduced Settlers Cost by 50% [*] [BLC] Ship segments stat balance [/list] [h3]Known issues [/h3][list] [*] Random crash after mission Of the Reckonings [*] FOW not saving in MP loaded games [/list] Yours truly, [b]Paranoid Interactive[/b]