Update to v1.3.4 for new audio functions and lots of improvements


BASIC8 is an integrated Fantasy Computer for game and other program development. You can create, share and play disks in a modern BASIC dialect, with built-in tools for editing sprite, tiles, map, quantized, etc.

Visible and sensible changes: [list] [*]Added an option to surf Steam pages using internal browser [*]Added a welcome page [*]Added an ID type to sound effect [*]Added a `WAVE` type to prefab sound effect [*]Added functionality to play prefab sound effect with wave object to the `SFX` function [*]Added a `STOP` function to stop any audio [*]Fixed a preview issue with inactive map layers [*]Fixed a boolean evaluating bug with library object [/list] Transparent changes: [list] [*]Added a frame cache to the sprite editor [*]Fixed a tag setting bug with undo operation in the sprite editor [*]Fixed an unsaved state issue with new created assets [/list]