Greetings Hunters,
We have made some significant optimizations with the recent release of Victor Vran on the Nintendo Switch. This update incorporates them, includes a lot of minor fixes and most notably some major ones, such as:
[*]Fix for a freeze or a crash following numerous subsequent map restarts or a frequent change of map;
[*]Fix for the challenges not resetting in the Fractured Worlds DLC (Thanks for reporting it!);
[*]Enemies in the Bottomless Pit should no longer get stuck outside of the arena;
[*]Substantial performance optimizations for low-end machines.
If you find any bugs, you can report them directly by pressing the Ctrl+F1. When asking for help through the Feedback form, add your e-mail since there is no way to contact you or just write in the Steam Discussions / GOG Forums.
Also please update your video drivers as a first measure of troubleshooting because some people have problems with the game and they have ancient driver versions from 3+ years back.
Happy hunting!