Update June 15th: Re-balance Patch

Hey guys, we're releasing a re-balance patch, addressing some of the new monsters, the Talismans and also some general fixes. Happy hunting! Monster Re-balance: - Scorpion Bully - attack radius for pincers is reduced; monster progression no longer increases armor and immunity to critical hits - Scorpion Artillery - basic projectile speed is decreased - Hellhound Alpha - initial bite attack damage is reduced; fire trail damage is reduced; speed charge is decreased - Succubus Swordmaiden - attack damage is reduced; landing attack damage and area attack damage are further reduced - Hellhound Charger - the charge is now easier to avoid Talisman Re-balance: - Brute charge type - slightly reduced the maximum energy gain - Sorcerous charge type - maximum energy gain reduced - Tinkerer charge type - maximum energy gain reduced - Boon type - now grants Quickness instead of Invulnerability to avoid overlapping with other talisman effects - Flame type - damage per projectile fixed - Talisman recipe drop rate doubled Fixes: - UI fix for the talisman orb animation - Bounty info is properly displayed on The Fracture tier preview - Fixed challenges not resolving correctly in The Dark Ages, Frozen Hearth Cave, Screaming Pathway, Dead Man's Mine - Fixed missing bounty hunt epic monsters - Minor level design fixes for pathfinding issues