Hunters, after a longer hiatus, we're releasing fixes for challenges and other issues, as well as fan translations for the DLCs.
Here is the complete log:
- Elite Challenge "Overkill 12 Cassidy Boys" can now be completed
- Challenge "Slay Vampire King" on Fracture Tier 20 can now be completed
- "Live To Win" Achievement can now be completed
- "Of the Fox" weapon property no longer doubles its effect on Overkill when 2 weapons of the same type are equipped
- Fixes on "Lost in the Ozone" demon power
- Fixed an issue which removed "Vulnerable" condition by non-critical hits
- Fixes on Guitar weapons effects - they no longer transfer to the next weapon when Guitar is replaced
- Fixes on Highlander's outfit effects when using Bullseye attack on the Revolvers
- Coop fix: Camera now rotates properly when the other player use "Dark Mist" demon power
- Minor passability and map objects fixes
- Performance improvements for Steam version
- Fixes in German translation
- Updated Czech and Hungarian fan translations to include Motorhead and Fractured Worlds DLCs