-Added a new feature to the toolbox to cast a screen/monitor and depthify it.
More difficult than I thought to implement this. Individual parts aren't that hard but getting it all to come together seamlessly is tricky.
I think I lied when I said it would run the same as the realtime video stuff.
It's just inherently more taxing to capture the screen, but more than that, frames can't really be buffered and batched together because you cannot simply look into the future to see what the next frame will be like you can with a video.
I might revisit batching as a setting at the cost of extra latency but I just wanna get this feature out for the sale going on right now.
I think there may be various performance pitfalls but eh, I get about 30 depth frames a second on my kinda older mid range system, so I think it's well enough for now.
Part of the problem is just that without batching, the effect of turning down the depth model/resolution isn't really noticeable past a certain point because the performance bottleneck becomes one of just moving the data onto/off the GPU and scheduling less work, more often.
Anyway, enough techno-rambling.
Enjoy the screen casting, and let me know if you have any ideas to make it nicer to use.
I think the holy grail would be being able to capture specific windows as well and be able to virtually send clicks so you dont have to tab between things, but that's wayyy too much work just to avoid some extra clicks.
Though it may be possible to implement the virtual clicking part at least which may be useful for VR/second monitor situations.
Not sure if that would increase the chances of antivirus programs flagging it falsely as malware.
I'm already hoping that implementing screen capture libraries doesn't do that 😅
Also I will soon look into some other requested features now that this is done.