Steam VR-Fest Update

In arbitrary celebration of the Steam VR Fest sale, I've added a few things that I hope you enjoy. Changelog: [list] [*] add new metric depth model that can be selected in advanced settings [*] add control setting for perspective correction which makes images appear more natural [*] include a new standalone tool for pre-processing video depth [*] added video player controls [*] added ability to pause video and generate depth for current frame [*] add option to choose where to save data [*] add option to choose if favorite images are copied or referenced [*] add option to automatically scale depth based on depth map range [*] add option to require holding grip for manipulating image in vr [*] add ability to scroll when hovering over image control icons for extra controls [*] added thumbnails for videos if you have ffmpeg installed [*] now remembers last viewed image [*] fixed slidedshow bug [*] grabbing image in vr now requires the hand to be pointing at the image [*] changing depth quality now refreshes the current image's depth [*] shader optimizations [/list] Here's a few examples of the difference between the "High" quality depth model, and the new metric one: Example 1: [expand] High: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44508765/9fe20566a6c36efbdebdcd870232d6ec6acbf04c.png[/img] Metric: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44508765/9cceddc7baf2261a70534f395314c357e0bcd779.png[/img] [/expand] Example 2: [expand] High: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44508765/f529b84afc0216a041c2e698afd54c4a145aa0b1.png[/img] Metric: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44508765/ec4fb48dbeb39706909c6bf54ba791e232ce860a.png[/img] [/expand] Example 3: [expand] High: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44508765/5f1e55485d2d37c75376306fed717dbb55c46787.png[/img] Metric: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44508765/1e86080f2f155bdec31cb348e70d1338ecaf606d.png[/img] [/expand] And here's a bad gif of the output from the video depth tool: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44508765/4521fae4ee47551cf6e01b89d5e98aa04668b001.gif[/img] Anyway, have fun. Bye.