Update notes for v1.2.0

Ignis Corruption

In this Procedural City-Building and Survival game, you must manage your resources, expand your village, assemble an army and destroy the source of evil, which changed the entire eco system of a land that was once prosperous and peaceful.

Hi all, Update based on community feedback. [list] [*] 🛠️ Adjusted auto-gathering behavior of units, now it will return to the resource it was gathering. [*] 🐛 Fixed bug that completed extractor build tutorial even when another build type was created. [*] 🐛 Fixed bug that could cause the main level to start without units. [*] 🎁 Added game over screen in tutorial. [*] 🎁 Added option to change interface scale to increase or decrease the size of texts and game windows. [*] 🎁 BETA - Added save system with steam remote storage integration, now it will be possible to continue games from the last save point. [/list] The game will continue to receive updates based on community feedback, if you have any suggestions or encounter any issues, just let me know. Thanks.