An UNCONVENTIONAL ADVENTURE RPG that takes place in an inexpressible world filled with amusing musical battles and strange delightful encounters. To put it simply: You are in for a ride.
== Important notice ==
2 new languages are now available, Korean and Brazilian-Portuguese. Everhood community has been doing great so far, helping us with new languages, custom battles, fan arts, bugs hunting, wiki pages, and feedback; We would like to take the opportunity to send you all a big thank you for this great collaborative effort.
other things patched:
[*]Added some invisible walls in the obstacle course.
[*]Some dialogues were adjusted in the waiting room.
[*]Some collisions enlarged in Prof Orange's room.
[*]The voice text in the dark forest in pacifist adjusted.
[*]Shopkeeper death screen effect fixed.
[*]Tooltip is changed to Tip.
[*]Minor localization issues in the main menu adjusted.
[*]Junkyard collisions adjusted.
[*]Lore text adjusted in Gold Pig's temple.
[*]Credits updated.
[*]Russian fan translation updated.
[*]Japanese translation updated.
[*]Korean and Brazilian-Portuguese added into the game.