Update Notes (April 28) — Achievements and optimization

Blood and Gold: Caribbean!

'Blood & Gold: Caribbean!' is a blend of economic strategy and open-world RPG, set in the pirate era of XVII Century Caribbean. The game is based on the significantly improved Mount & Blade: Warband engine.

Hi everyone, The achievement update for Blood & Gold is now available for download! Along with the highest discount the game has ever received [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/413710][b]on Steam[/b][/url] — [b]80%[/b]. Look below for the full patch notes. [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/413710][img]http://snowbirdgames.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/pirate_new.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Update notes 2.070:[/b] [b]Highlights:[/b] - Added Steam achievements. - Textures were optimized to increase compatibility with low-performance machines. - City base resources now distribute randomly at the start of new game. [b]Fixes:[/b] - Fixed wrong heraldry on musketeers' bullet bags. - Fixed descriptions for Peddler and Entrepreneur traits. - Fixed descriptions for Charisma attribute and Leadership skill. - Fixed an error with soldiers still standing on the physics left behind by destroyed walls. - Fixed errors with enemy soldiers ending up underground. - After peaceful capture of a ship its cargo is transferred to your hold automatically. - Fixed city list in banking interface.