[UPDATE] Key Binds addition and Application Focus fix

Aim Down Screen

Aim Down Screen is the Gun Smith for your Screen! Go beyond putting clear tape with a dot in the middle on your monitor and customize your reticles and HUD with Aim Down Screen!

Release Notes: ADS_Trinity_v4.2.4.202406021000 * Key Binds Panel added. Click "Settings" to expose the "Key Binds" button. Select the feature and tap the keybind. NOTE: I highly suggest NOT using the Escape key. Using the Open Menu Key will now set focus to ADS and hitting Esc is no longer necessary * App Focus Fix: Now when you use your Open Menu keybind (F2 by default), ADS Receives focus and you should be able to sue the scroll wheel and click immediately. * Some performance increases with Vector based reticles * Dragging/dropping layers and shapes in Pro-editor now is working properly.