Update is out!

Taekwondo Grand Prix

Experience authentic Martial Arts like never before in a game. Tactical action mixed with realism as you move like true professional fighters, thanks to motion-capture technology. Focus your mind, hone your skills and calibrate your reflexes. It’s time to fight.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33695256/f4b68744019ff55411e46709f08c160e9d78a2d4.png[/img] It's out! It's fresh! It's the Taekwondo Grand Prix update! Yay! Including:[list] [*] Seasons + Global Ranking [*] New awesome moves - including KNOCK OUT! [*] Stamina System Overhaul [*] Controls remapping + Input Buffering [*] Badges & MMR [/list] And more! [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/462590/announcements/detail/3605603753254277551]Read about the whole sweet deal here![/url] But whatever you do - don't wait too long until you enter the first Season! The hunt for the awesome, physical PRIZES has started! Good luck!