Update & Future Plans


Sudoku for cat people. Cats are wonderful creatures but you better not put them together without proper introduction. So, plan ahead to display them in the right order so they get along!

Hello, humans! Sudocats was launched a week ago! Thank you so much for all the support and reviews. The game is doing much better than we expected and we are really happy with it! [h3]Changes[/h3] We've released 3 patchs correcting bugs and minor tweaks last week, here are the changes in the new update. We have changed the numbers for better readability: [img]https://i.imgur.com/68qNNt2.png[/img] Also, now there are new sound effects for placing tips, notes and conflicting cats. Hope you enjoy these new changes! [h3]Future[/h3] [b]Save[/b] As most of you requested, we are now implementing a save function for when you leave an unfinished puzzle. [b]More languages[/b] As members of the Cat World Domination, we want to reach every single human being in the planet, so we are planning to implement more languages in the future! No google translator this time (help us get our games famous so we'll never need auto-translators again!). [b]DLC[/b] We are also working on the Sudocats Paper Free DLC, which you can print and play with friends and/or create your own Sudocat puzzle (you can also print the cats to use as stickers as well and show that you are a true Cat Purrson™) [b]Randomized puzzles[/b] We made Sudocats with no randomized puzzles in mind, but since several people are asking for them, we'll definitely see about that (after implementing the features above). We can't promise this automatically generated puzzles feature but we'll try our best to make it possible. That's all, folks! Hope you humans liked our annoucements and enjoy our plans and new changes! Don't forget to follow our developer page: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/devcats ːsansː And remember: adopt a cat and spread the feline word! ♥