Sudocats Paper is here


Sudoku for cat people. Cats are wonderful creatures but you better not put them together without proper introduction. So, plan ahead to display them in the right order so they get along!

Hello, humans! Happy Pet Day! =^.^= The free DLC is out! Sudocats Paper is the printed version of Sudocats. You can print and play with friends and/or create your own Sudocat puzzle (you can also print the cats to use as stickers as well and show that you are a true Cat Purrson™) [b]Also, there's a Sudocats content update coming next monday. Stay tuned. [/b] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In other news, we are working on a new game. Steam page coming this week! [img][/img] That's all, folks! Don't forget to follow our developer page: