Sudocats 2.0


Sudoku for cat people. Cats are wonderful creatures but you better not put them together without proper introduction. So, plan ahead to display them in the right order so they get along!

Hello, humans! Sudocats was released a month ago and we've made several updates based on your feedback during this period. Thank you all for the feedback! ♥ We've implemented most of your suggestions, including 12 new puzzles with unique solutions and new backgrounds. Also, Sudocats is 20%OFF! Great opPURRtunity to give the game to a fellow human! [img][/img] Here is the list with all the changes and additions since the original release: [list] [*] 12 new puzzles [*] 4 new backgrounds [*] Auto-save [*] Changed the numbers for better readability [*] Changed some puzzles to give them unique solutions [*] Additional sound effects [*] Several minor bug fixes [*] Sudocats Paper Free DLC launched [/list] If you find any bugs, please report them on the forums. As cats, we hunt down all bugs in da house ːwolf_swagː Also, we just announced 2 new games on Steam. Don't forget to wishlist them. ːkleinesː Thank you again, dear humans! We couldn't have done it so far without you all! ♥ Love & Purrs, Devcats ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ