Update: Content Complete and Moving Forward

Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive

Survive through four days at the end of the world in this post-apocalyptic point-and-click thriller where your choices could keep you alive... or not.

Hey folks! Dora here. I'm [url=https://twitter.com/scriptwelder]Scriptwelder[/url]'s producer alongside his publisher, [url=https://armorgamesstudios.com/]Armor Games Studios[/url]. I wanted to drop in to give you some insight into everything that's been happening with his latest (and biggest) adventure. As you may know, Scriptwelder is a solo developer based in Poland. He's been heads down on this game for a long time now, and we're happy to announce the game is finally content complete! What that means is that all of the story, chapters, puzzles, art, etc are "done" and the game is moving forward into QA. It's been a long road to get to this point, and along the way we've had several batches of wonderful beta testers who have helped us by sharing their thoughts and feedback at several points throughout development. Of course, that doesn't mean the game itself is done! QA is a long process, especially for a game as big as this one turned out to be. Scriptwelder is rolling up his sleeves to deal with a lot of bug reports and other fixes, while on our end we're working on localisation and editing. (We'll announce the additional languages once those are locked in!) Combine that with other work like the launch trailer, and you have a whole lot to keep us busy. All of it boils down to us polishing the game up and crushing every single bug we can on the road to release. And speaking of... At this point, the best release date I can give you is Q1 2019. Which, yeah, I know, is still sort of vague, but we'd rather surprise you than need to walk it back because we found a bunch of gamebreaking bugs, or a piano fell on Scriptwelder and his PC. We promise, we're just as eager for you guys to finally get your hands on this, and as soon as we have something more concrete locked down you'll be the first to know! In the meantime, you'll be seeing some more sneak peeks and previews here every few weeks. Today I've gone through and updated all of the (very out of date) screenshots by adding 12 new ones. I'm going to be putting together a preview that shows off some of the chapter variations a bit more clearly, so I hope you'll look forward to it. Thank you to everyone who has wishlisted and supported us so far, whether with a kind word or just a stray thought now and then. [url=https://twitter.com/scriptwelder]Follow Scriptwelder on Twitter and stay tuned![/url] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30507001/758aea0c35eff68f5607e80e92657f52f65be6f3.gif[/img]