Update April 14, Version: 113799


Boundary is a multiplayer tactical space-based shooter game, engaging in fierce team vs team zero gravity firefights and executing low-gravity operations on orbiting space installations against other enemy astroperators and other entities.

Dear Astroperators, thank you for your enthusiastic support of our Early Access launch! There will be an update at 15:00pm(PT) on 14th April. Please log in to the game after updating the build. In addition, we have noticed that some Astroperators cannot unlock weapon attachments properly. The fix for this issue has entered the final testing phase, and we will release an update once we ensure the function is working correctly. Please be patient and stay tuned for further announcements. Thank you for being so supportive! [b]Fixed:[/b] 1. Fixed Astroperator "Doc" having the wrong voice effects 2. Fixed a problem where the sound effect of the grappling hook could end up looping 3. Fixed a problem caused extra activations of the grappling hook when using 4. Fixed a crash that was caused by equipping weapon ornaments 5. Fixed a crash that occurred when exiting the game in the main menu 6. Fixed the issue that users who purchased DLC/bundles may not receive DLC/bundle items. [b]Added:[/b] 1. Added sound effects to the experience and level-up increases during the post-match summary Also, enjoy a kitten playing, Have a great weekend in Space, and see you on the battlefield, Astroperators! Aquila~ [img]https://images.ctfassets.net/sfnkq8lmu5d7/5aioXohI1sKSjc27VPDc7R/bffd654227b604f992484c872a1e6678/The_Wildest_How_to_teach_kittens_to_play_nice_Stocksy_txpb522f431VXa300_Medium_699468.jpg?w=1000&h=750&fl=progressive&q=70&fm=jpg[/img]