Update #9 THE STYLE UP UPDATE - Player Customization! | February 9th 2024

Bronzebeard's Tavern

Bronzebeard's Tavern is a goofy and playful restaurant manager sim where 1-8 players can work as a team with multiplayer co-op. Fulfill a number of different roles, serve a diverse range of customers and cook up delicious dwarven cuisine.

Hey Dwarves! We're so excited to announce a content update focussed on dwarf customization, a ton of quality of life improvements and general bug fixes! [h2]Patch Highlights[/h2] [h3]Personal Money![/h3] Earned per-service and for being the best dwarf! This currency is seperate and saves per-player used to unlock new cosmetics! [h3]Cosmetics![/h3] Players can now equip a hat/skin pairing to separate themselves from the other dwarves! [h3]Re-mappable Settings![/h3] Players can now remap most of their keys to best-fit their playstyle! [h3]Codes![/h3] Special codes distributed amongst our socials for free exclusive cosmetics players can use in-game. [h2]Update Patch Notes[/h2] [u]Save and Load Changes[/u] - Added: Storage-saving. Stock in your tavern is now saved between sessions. - Fixed: Critical bug where the hearth didn't start up after loading a saved file. - Fixed: Critical bug where infinite storage had their items influenced on load. [u]New Cosmetics[/u] - x4 Common Rarity Hats - x2 Rare Rarity Hats - x3 Mythic Rarity Hats - x1 Mythic Rarity Skin - x3 Exclusive Rarity Hats - x3 Exclusive Rarity (DLC) Hats - x1 Exclusive Rarity (DLC) Skin [u]Online Play[/u] - Added: Option to kick players from the server (Host Only). [u]Gameplay Changes[/u] - Added: New Blender Upgrade Path: BLENDER UPGRADE III - Adds 4 new blenders in the kitchen area. - Buffed: Interaction cooldown of the waiting table (1 sec -> 0.15 sec) for more rapid-fire customer service. - Buffed: Windup time of the heavy attack on the hammer (0.9 seconds > 0.6 sec) for more consistent attacks. - Adjusted: Windup times of all hammer attacks to be more consistent with each other. - Adjusted: Animation speed of the Crude Snack Cauldron to be 33% faster for quicker access. - Adjusted: Renowned Customers now cannot spawn in the last 30% of the store's open time (~1:30 left on the time) so players can reap their rewards. - Adjusted: Customer forecast percentages now do not go below 10% - Adjusted: Simplified customer forecasts to only use whole percentages (e.g. 10%, 90%) - Adjusted: When unlocking a new customer race/renowned, they are guaranteed to appear the next day. - Added: New druid wall in the new kitchen nook. [u]Map Adjustments[/u] - Removed: Velasco decorative piece above the minecart tunnel outside the tavern. - Adjusted: Stain collisions to cleanly stick onto tavern geometry. - Fixed: Collisions with the stalagmites (water stain generators). - Adjusted: Positioning of the Storage Boxes * Storage Upgrade 1: Shifted to the left of the kitchen. * Storage Upgrade 2: Moved away from the back room, shifted to the left of the kitchen. * Storage Upgrade 3: Removed the top-floor of the storage room, moved to a more convenient location closer to the kitchen. - Fixed: Collisions with the outside area, items falling through the floor. - Removed: Blender Collisions to allow players to dive through the bar area easier. - Adjusted: Created an opening in the bar area to allow easier access between kitchen and front of house. [u]Bug Fixes[/u] - Fixed: Bug where the "item held" UI does not update upon scrolled items. - Fixed: Bug where the "item held" incorrectly updated with an item stack (ticket pickup). - Fixed: Bug which caused client players to get soft-locked when spamming Dive. - Fixed: Bug where using an item from the main hand improperly displays if an offhand item takes its place. - Fixed: Bug where items of the same type from the hand weren't being stored into the storage box. - Fixed: Bug where stains clipped through geometry. - Fixed: Bug where all types of "Storage" interactions did not omit an outline. - Fixed: Bug where client players were not properly rotating. - Fixed: Bug where Storage Boxes de-synced for clients, showing "empty". - Fixed: Bug where clients could not see broken chairs. - Fixed: Bug where clients could not see chair pathway markers. - Fixed: Bug where customers sometimes spawned invalid tickets. - Fixed: Bug where renowned customers would get stuck next to the waiting table. - Fixed: Bug where forecast odds go above 100% in total. [u]Quality of Life[/u] - Adjusted: Raised the information bar up on the Ophidian to not clip with their model. - Adjusted: Changed the "place-holder" ticket item into an actual icon of its 3d model. - Added: "Scroll" tip for item stacking and previews of items that are stowed at the front and back. - Adjusted: Interaction with the stock box where now, if you hold an item and interact you can auto-stack it. - Added: "Scroll" sound effect when scrolling through your stowed items. - Added: Prompt in the save menu specifying that saves automatically load. - Adjusted: Increased volume range of the Lute Dwarf in Expansion Two to be heard through the entire room. - Adjusted: Change the Stock UI to be on all four sides of the delivery box rather than just the front. - Adjusted: Announcement UI to be more prevalent on screen with its own animations. - Adjusted: Chat message UI now properly wraps around longer messages. - Adjusted the server browser to properly cut longer server names. - Adjusted: Simplified the player list UI in the menu when holding TAB. - Added: Support for viewing up to eight players in the player list. - Added: Indication that a player has disconnected when displaying the Employee of the Day stats screen. - Added: Outline on the Upgrade Table if the player at any point can upgrade the tavern (while the day is closed). - Adjusted: Outline on the Food Menu persists if your menu is insufficient, even while the day is begun. - Adjusted: Changed the font of the player name to a more universal font. - Added: Player Ping in the Tab-Menu. You can now view all tavern member's ping instead of "MARS". [u]Accessibility/Settings[/u] - Added: Custom Binding - remap controls as desired. - Added: Save/Load Bindings - remapped controls save and load between sessions. - Added: Mouse invert settings. - Adjusted: Separated Music and Sound Effects to their own settings. - Fixed: Bug where changing graphics triggered a crash. - Fixed: Bug where mouse settings weren't properly saving. - Fixed: Bug where mouse sensitivity kept resetting when re-launching the game. - Adjusted: Cheats permanently disabled for non-developer builds. - Added: Support for Ultra-Wide monitors. [u]Optimization[/u] - Fixed: Reduced the lag in the Main Menu by a large margin. - Fixed: Reduced the lag caused by DishWasher particles that caused crashes.