Update 9: Freeplay Mode

[h2][b]Welcome back, pirates![/b][/h2] After having focussed our attention on shipbuilding, fleet management, and diplomacy in our last few updates, we’re now going to dive into the different gameplay modes you’ll be able to experience at launch. There are [b]two modes of play[/b] in Republic of Pirates –[b] campaign mode[/b] and [b]freeplay mode[/b], and today, we will teach you all about the differences between these modes, shine the spotlight on a couple of our freeplay maps and show you how progression works outside of campaign mode! [h3][b]New Horizons: Campaign and Freeplay Mode[/b][/h3] Looking for a more [b]story-driven experience[/b]? Embark on an epic adventure in campaign mode and rebuild the once glorious Republic of Pirates. Your rag-tag crew of misfits will offer advice in the form of [b]tutorials[/b] which will aid you in progressing your story further. Follow the [b]main missions[/b] and [b]quest objectives[/b] to find out where your journey will lead you! Begin your adventure on the [b]Forgotten Archipelago map[/b] and choose from three difficulties to customise your experience to your liking! Play in freeplay mode for a more [b]casual and open-ended experience[/b]. You will get the option to pick from[b] two additional maps[/b] with unique geography and layouts. In freeplay mode, there are[b] no main missions to complete[/b], and gameplay will not be tutorialised. Instead, you will simply work to [b]grow your population[/b] and your republic while conquering the whole archipelago. How you play is ultimately up to you. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44771533/fe0424f5f4a576950b4fffb314c1c7047ba94d79.jpg[/img] [h3][b]Freeplay Map Spotlight – Islas de Sangre[/b][/h3] A balmy archipelago dominated by a central massive island covered in dense jungle. To the south-west lay five islands with a bloody history known as Las Cinco Hermanas, while to the east two trading lanes converge between a cluster of remote islets. [b]Map Characteristics[/b]: An extra-large starting island with access to many rare resources. This island is situated further away from trade routes. All factions are active. [b]Starting Island Characteristics[/b]: A large island with two beaches [b]Available Material Deposits[/b]: [list] [*] Captain’s Inn Wreckage [*] Zinc Deposit [*] Salt Deposit [*] Dried Herbs [*] Crabs [/list][b]Production Conditions:[/b] [list] [*] Fish -50% [*] Hemp -50% [*] Coal +50% [*] Boars +50% [*] Sugar +50% [*] Aloe Vera +50% [*] Boniatos -50% [*] Tobacco +50% [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44771533/7e80a168f05a349eb546910af5f2b20cf415a68e.jpg[/img] [h3][b]Freeplay Map Spotlight - Volcano Isles[/b][/h3] A rugged archipelago made up of volcanic islands and tropical atolls. Here the legacies of great pirate crews and nations intertwine to create a vivid tapestry of ambition and intrigue. [b]Map Characteristics[/b]: A medium-sized starting island with access to some rare resources near a busy trade route. All major factions are active. [b]Starting Island Characteristics[/b]: A medium-sized island with two beaches [b]Available Material Deposits: [/b] [list] [*] Captain’s Inn Wreckage [*] Coal Deposit [*] Salt Deposit [/list][b]Production Conditions:[/b] [list] [*] Hemp +50% [*] Fish +50% [*] Boars +50% [*] Wood Logs +50% [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44771533/4e1abca31f6779a782e1a6a37aff521c89a9b850.jpg[/img] [h3][b]Freeplay Mode Map Difficulty[/b][/h3] When playing on any of the freeplay maps, you will get to choose one of three difficulty modes. See below for the effects that are applied with each mode. [b]Easy[/b] [list] [*] Starting funds: 20.000 Doubloons [*] Demolished buildings cost return: 100% [*] Paused production building upkeep cost: 0% [*] Ship strength increased by: 50% [*] The number of available captains increased by: 3 [*] Random pirate attacks are less severe [*] Increased income and decreased upkeep cost for selected buildings [*] Faction standing decreases at a reduced rate [*] Storage capacity increased by 15 [/list] [b]Medium [/b] [list] [*] Starting funds: 20.000 Doubloons [*] Demolished building cost return: 100% [*] Paused production building upkeep cost: 0% [*] Ship strength increased by: 30% [*] The number of available captains increased by: 1 [/list] [b]Hard[/b] [list] [*] Starting funds: 15.000 Doubloons [*] Demolished building cost return: 80% [*] Paused production building upkeep cost: 20% [/list] [h3][b]Cementing Your Legacy: Progression in Freeplay Mode[/b][/h3] Despite giving you a pressure-free gaming experience, you’ll still have the opportunity to progress in freeplay mode. Contrary to the quest objectives you receive in campaign mode, your crew of misfits will no longer offer you main missions in freeplay mode. Instead, you’ll progress through the map by hitting [b]population milestones[/b]. Once you have reached a specific milestone, you will [b]unlock a new set of buildings[/b] which will ultimately allow you to develop your city further, and move onto the next population milestone and so on! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44771533/4357a394cd37b3af4b6580ca5038eb8835e44ea7.gif[/img] That’s all you need to know about freeplay mode for now. As usual, make sure to [b]wishlist Republic of Pirates[/b] and [b]follow us on social media [/b]to stay up to date on any news! Until next time! Crazy Goat Games & PQube